Wind is a biblical metaphor for the energy of God’s Spirit. When we learn to lean into the Spirit’s intimacy and loving action within, we are lifted into God’s Presence, Power and Partnership.

Soulwind is a ministry that helps believers reconnect their lives to the Breath of God’s Love and the power of a New Creation in Christ through the intimacy, inspiration and illumination of the Holy Spirit.

Through helping people find spiritual freedom, faith and formation, Soulwind Ministry helps a believer turn their life into:

  1. An ATTENDANT of the Bridegroom’s (Christ’s) Heart.

  2. An ADORANT of Christ’s Life and Nature.

  3. An ADVOCATE of His Mission in the earth.

"Who makes the clouds His chariot,
Who walks on the wings of the wind…"
Psalms 104:3

Soulwind is Ron Wright’s personal web page for highlighting his teachings, articles, podcasts and community. Ron is an ordained minister with Victory Churches of Chanda.

Ron grew up in a small farming community in Southwestern Ontario. From a young age he experienced many deep spiritual visitations that directed his life towards spiritual development, Christian ministry and writing. He served for over 30 years in pastoral church ministry in Ontario and now spends his time teaching, writing, and sharing the riches of his spiritual wealth with various spiritual communities.

Ron has at the heart of his ministry a desire for people to experience God directly. This is the passion of a mystic: not just to know God with the mind, not to just develop clear theology, but to EXPERIENCE GOD DIRECTLY, Face-to-face in the intimacy of Christ.


Soulwind advocates for a new mysticism in Christianity: a Face-to-face encounter with God’s Love in Christ through the inspiration of the the Spirit. Mystics are the map-makers of the landscape of God's Mystery. Never popular when alive, nor acknowledged by the conclaves of the religious establishments, Mystics wander alone… toward the map-less boarders of Inner Reality with God.

It used to be when cartographers developed maps of the ancient world, they would leave the edges of the known world as a mysterious place of vagueness and danger. “THERE BE DRAGONS HERE", was the phrase left at the edges these maps, the edges of the known world, warning ships brave enough to voyage beyond the boundaries of reality that there could be danger. Wayfarers were warned: they would be crossing the POINT OF NO RETURN should they venture out beyond the realms of the known.

Whenever we venture out beyond the maps of conformity: whether they be religious maps, theological, social, educational, conventional, etc., we head full on into the unknown. This unknown, far from frightening off the mystic, is where we prefer to tread. Mystics find their comfort in the ineffable Mystery of God’s Reality, because their goal is not to try and conform this Mystery to conventional parameters, but to let it be Free and untamed.

Mystics don't run from dragons; they learn to ride them. And this is the way it is with God. He is understood, not by much knowing, but by much loving.

Out beyond the boundaries of orthodoxy and religion, you find, on whatever religious or philosophical “map" you are using, a clear end to what is knowable by the words, rites and rituals of religions. It’s at the edge of these knowable boundaries, written on virtually every religious map, that “There be Mystics here".

Historically, Mystics are the outcasts of religion. They play with dragons, frolic in the Mystery of God and come and go in and out of sight from the safe shores of orthodoxy. No one plays with Mystics. They are used as “live bait” for casting into deep oceans of being. Religionists wait to see if they return from the lands of mystery and ineffable brightness.

Some Mystics return with amazing stories of other worlds and indescribable sights. Their language changes to match the visions they have seen. Their appearance altars: a far off look in their eyes, their hearts on fire with the oblation of distant worlds and the songs of the Tathagata. Other Mystics never return, having befallen the lure of the boundless ecstasy of Divine Bliss.

The thing is, either way, religion needs the Mystic. Mystics are the offerings churches throw to the dragons to appease their gods of orthodoxy, not knowing that these offerings actually merit the entrance into Mystery. Truth needs the unorthodox journeys of those who climb to dragons lairs, map the cloud covered landscape of God's hidden Face and brave the journey across the Tintagel sea.

Mystics change the maps of the religious world. They rewrite the boundaries of Mystery to tell us: “Here there be Boundlessness", “Here there be Vast and Infinite Love”, “Here there be Radiant Emptiness", “Here there be Endless Bliss", “Here there be the Face of God".

And whatever words can be grasped of their ineffable mutterings, the esoteric maps of reality begin to be rewritten by the fire of living, breathing dragons.

For years I have looked for my place among the religious landscape and finally know where I was meant to play:

Out here…

At the edge of the known…

Within the Mystery...

Where the boundaries of knowledge end and scriptures grow silent...

Out here…

Where there be dragons….




Soulwind is Ron Wright’s personal web page for highlighting his teachings, articles, podcasts and community.

Ron grew up in a small farming community in Southwestern Ontario. From a young age he experienced many deep spiritual visitations that directed his life towards spiritual investigation, Christian ministry and writing. He served for over 28 years as a pastor in Ontario and now spends his time teaching, writing, and sharing the riches of his spiritual wealth with various spiritual communities.


Mystics are the map-makers of the landscape of God's Mystery. Never popular when alive, nor acknowledged by the conclaves of the religious establishments, Mystics wander alone… toward the map-less boarders of Inner Reality.

It used to be when cartographers developed maps of the ancient world, they would leave the edges of the known world as a mysterious place of vagueness and danger. “THERE BE DRAGONS HERE", was the phrase left at the edges these maps, the edges of the known world, warning ships brave enough to voyage beyond the boundaries of reality that there could be danger. Wayfarers were warned: they would be crossing the POINT OF NO RETURN should they venture out beyond the realms of the known.

Whenever we venture out beyond the maps of conformity: whether they be religious maps, theological, social, educational, conventional, etc., we head full on into the unknown. This unknown, far from frightening off the mystic, is where we prefer to tread. Mystics find their comfort in the ineffable Mystery of Reality, because their goal is not to try and conform this Mystery to conventional parameters, but to let it be Free and untamed.

Mystics don't run from dragons; they learn to ride them.

Out beyond the boundaries of orthodoxy and religion, you find, on whatever religious or philosophical “map" you are using, a clear end to what is knowable by the words, rites and rituals of religions. It’s at the edge of these knowable boundaries, written on virtually every religious map,” There be Mystics here".

Mystics are the outcasts of religion. They play with dragons, frolic in the Mystery of God and come and go in and out of sight from the safe shores of orthodoxy. No one plays with Mystics. They are used as live bait for casting into deep oceans of being. Religionists wait to see if they return from the lands of dragons and mist covered mountains.

Some Mystics return with amazing stories of other worlds and indescribable sights. Their language changes to match the ineffable they have seen. Their appearance altars: a far off look in their eyes, their hearts on fire with the oblation of distant worlds and the songs of the Tathagata. Other Mystics never return, having befallen the lure of the boundless ecstasy of Divine Bliss.

The thing is, either way, religion needs the Mystic. Mystics are the offerings churches throw to the dragons to appease their gods of orthodoxy, not knowing that these offerings actually merit the entrance into Mystery. Truth needs the unorthodox journeys of those who climb to dragons lairs, map the cloud covered landscape of God's hidden Face and brave the journey across the Tintagel sea.

Mystics change the maps of the religious world. They rewrite the boundaries of Mystery to tell us: “Here there be Boundlessness", “Here there be Vast and Infinite Love”, “Here there be Radiant Emptiness", “Here there be Endless Bliss", “Here there be the Face of God".

And whatever words can be grasped of their ineffable mutterings, the esoteric maps of reality begin to be rewritten by the fire of living, breathing dragons.

For 56 years I have looked for my place among the religious landscape and finally know where I was meant to play:

Out here…

At the edge of the known…

Within the Mystery...

Where the boundaries of knowledge end and scriptures grow silent...

Out here…

Where there be dragons….
